Proposed Changes in IS 456 and IS 1343
Reference Manual for Field Engineers on Building Construction Edited book
Ultra Thin Concrete Shell Structure 17.07.2020
Use of manufactured aggregates
Bamboo as Reinforcement in Structural Concrete Elements
Scientific Design of Bamboo Structures
Q Rating Concrete Newsletter 2020 Bulletin 3
Types of Dams and Structural Stability Analysis of a Gravity Dam 10.02.2021
Use of Glasses in Building Construction 10.02.2021
Construction of Tensile Structures Based on the Spider Web Concept
Demolition of RCC Framed Structures by Implosion Technique
Installation of Micro Hydel Power_MHP_Project at Nawa Village, Uri District, Kashmir.
Technical Inventions and Usefulness for Common People - Demonstrated By GD Naidu
Design and Construction of Rigid Pavement 04.11.2021
Planning and Design Aspects of Metro Rail Projects in India
Science Behind Repair of Rcc Buildings
Understanding of Clay Soil Properties for Construction