Title : Rapidwall Construction Technologies
Authors : Ar. N M Salim, Calicut
Publication :
Volume :
Pages :
Price : 250
Abstract : The total estimated housing shortage for Urban and rural India in 2012 is 42 million units. To meet this requirement it requires innovative, energy efficient building materials for strong and durable housing in fast track method of construction in affordable cost. The availability of conventional building materials is limited on Earth and its demand is growing year by year. More over these materials are energy intense and its cost is spiraling up. The construction cost increased uncontrollably and construction became time consuming. If we depend more on these conventional materials, for construction, it will cause immense environmental impact and there by defacement to livelihood. Therefore it is indeed to find an alternate for these conventional materials, not only for reducing cost and natural impact but also to increase construction rapidity, for the reason that time is money in fast track projects.