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Authors :  B.V.Bhedasgaonkar Consulting Engineer, Member of Institution of India, Chartered Engineer Email: bhedasgaonkars@gmail.com

Publication :  December 19-21, 2013

Volume :  

Pages :  99-109

Price :  250

Abstract :  Distress in structures arises out of several causes and diagnosing the exact reasons for distress is one of the most important tasks that structural engineers need to undertake. Analogues to diagnosing a disease, diagnostic of structural distress has to rely on history, testing, reanalysis of structure and relating all these factors together like a professional doctor. Experience and feel of the structural behavior of a wide variety of structures is essential. Equally important is the study of various materials with which a structure is made up and the various conventional and modern materials which could be useful for repairs. Understanding compatibility of these materials is also necessary. Sometimes the structure is required to perform at higher level compared to its design stage and devising an economical and workable solution to enable the structure to perform this task is necessary. The paper looks at various stages that are necessary to be gone through in this process.