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Authors :  A. Mallika1 and N. V. Ramana Rao2

Publication :  23 - 26 October 2013

Volume :  

Pages :  

Price :  250

Abstract :  Recently, topology optimization or layout optimization has become a popular topic in the field of optimal design. Since the introduction of topology optimization in the design of continuum structures, it has been successfully applied to many different types of structural design problems. Most FEM codes have implemented certain capabilities of topology optimization. In this paper the problem of optimizing the structural topologies are studied for maximizing the static stiffness and dynamic stiffness. In static topology optimization, minimum compliance is considered as objective function to maximize the static stiffness with a constraint on volume and in dynamic stiffness; weighted frequency is considered as objective function with a constraint on volume reduction. A numerical example of inverse shell model with various support conditions is investigated and the results are presented.