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Authors :  Manuel Furer

Publication :  23 - 26 October 2013

Volume :  

Pages :  

Price :  250

Abstract :  Population growth and urbanization will continue to globally drive growth in construction and the demand for construction materials, including cement and concrete. Emerging Asia is a key driver of construction growth, and Asia is rapidly becoming the largest construction market, with an estimated share of 46% of the total global construction spend by 2020. Four key trends in Asia’s construction industry are the need to improve productivity in construction, the construction of even taller buildings, the need to build and repair road infrastructure fast and issues related to availability and quality of the sand used for concrete. Innovative concrete solutions which address these trends are self-levelling concrete, high-strength and light-weight concrete, ultra-fast road repair solutions using fast-setting and fast-hardening concrete and high-performance manufactured sand. These innovative concrete solutions have been developed, tested-bedded and are being used in various markets in emerging Asia. They are examples of how the concrete and aggregate industry can meaningfully address rapidly changing construction needs and add value to industry and society at large. A close cooperation between the concrete, aggregate and construction industry as well as other stakeholders such as government entities and academic institutions is required to promote innovation in concrete. One such platform enabling cross-stakeholder cooperation is the Centre of Excellence in Singapore, a concrete development centre jointly funded by Holcim and the Government of Singapore.