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Title :  Developments in Concrete Industry: Indian Scenario

Authors :  Jose Kurian,President, Indian Concrete Institute and Chief Engineer, DTTDC, New Delhi

Publication :  23-26 October 2013

Volume :  

Pages :  13-16

Price :  250

Abstract :  India is a vast country with a huge population which is expected to outgrow that of China by the middle of this century. Today, unlike in China, a vast majority of the population is much younger in India. This has two effects: India will have the unique demographic advantage of having the biggest work force in the coming years, which should point out to large scale developments over the coming years. This will also lead to speeding up the urbanisation phenomenon to reach the levels of the developed world. One of the biggest impediments to growth India faces is the lack of proper infrastructure. The 12th Five Year Plan is specially focussed on the growth of infrastructural facility in India such as roads and highways, railways, ports, power, communication, etc., and investment of the order US$ 1 trillion is envisaged for this sector during the 12th Plan. A substantial part of the plan funds would be invested in construction of these facilities. We all know that concrete will be single most construction material that would be used in this endeavour. There are several aspects of concrete that would have to be addressed to achieve the above goal, be it the production of constituent materials like cement, aggregate, fly ash, construction chemicals, etc., concrete production and use, construction technologies, quality and durability, maintenance, sustainability, standardisation, skill development, research and development, etc. The paper is an attempt to look at the current scenario in India today with a view to look ahead at the possibilities that would take this important industry to serve the needs of a fast developing nation.