Title : Case StuCondition Assessment of Corrosion Affected Reinforced Concrete Structures – Approach & Methodologydies Of Concrete Corrosion, Repair & Rehabilitation
Authors : P. Srinivasan
Publication :
Volume :
Pages : 112-126
Price : 250
Abstract : Corrosion of reinforcement is a major durability problem which affects the service life of a reinforced concrete structure. Depending upon the environment and the quality of concrete available in the structure, corrosion in the reinforcement sets in at different periods of time. The service life of a reinforced concrete structure consists of two parts namely the initiation time and the propagation time. The initiation time is the time required for the depassivation which depends on the diffusion of chloride and carbonation. Thus, the diffusion characteristics and the permeability of cover concrete plays an important role in determining the initiation time. During the propagation time, the structure becomes unserviceable/may collapse, if the cross structural area of the reinforcement undergoes sufficient reduction due to corrosion. The rate of corrosion depends upon the type of steel used, oxygen availability, humidity, and temperature. The exact condition of the structure with respect to corrosion shall be determined by conducting a systematic investigation using non-destructive and partially destructive tests. The assessment includes the evaluation of the physical parameters of concrete such as integrity, diffusion of chloride, water permeability, etc., and the chemical parameters such as chloride and the carbonation depth. The corrosion activity is evaluated using the electrochemical methods. The interpretation of the test results assumes importance based on which proper type of repair measures can be adopted to enhance the service life. This paper outlines the approach and methodology for assessing the corrosion in reinforced concrete structure upon request. The contact details shall be presented during the presentation.