Title : Corrosion Monitoring and Protection Strategies for Concrete Infrastructures
Authors : Dr.K.Thangavel
Publication :
Volume :
Pages : 102-110
Price : 250
Abstract : Prestigious concrete infrastructures like national highway bridges, nuclear reactors, elevated water tanks play a vital role in maintaining the lifeline of human beings uninterrupted. In the annual production of steel, a substantial portion of more than 10 million tons of steel are used as rebars by the construction industries. Due to rebar corrosion problem, more than the cost of construction is being spent towards repairs and renovation of concrete structures. If rebar corrosion problem continues, all the prestigious structures are subjected to sudden collapse. In order to avoid the catastrophic failures, corrosion monitoring and effective additional preventive measures must be undertaken in the initial stage itself. This paper deals with CECRI’s expertise on advanced corrosion monitoring and protection strategies for reinforcement corrosion and concrete structures. It will be of great attractive to the field engineers particularly those working in coastal / industrial areas.