Title : Why Performance?based Specifications for Concrete?
Authors : Vijay Kulkarni
Publication :
Volume :
Pages : 9-Jan
Price : 250
Abstract : The paper presents a broad overview of performance-based specifications. It briefly describes the concrete industry scenario in India and the current practice of specifying concrete. It is argued that the nature of concrete produced in India has undergone major transformation in recent years. While the use of ready-mixed concrete from commercial facilities or captive plants has increased steeply, the organized concrete industry has started using a variety of mineral and chemical admixtures in concrete. As a result, the age-old prescriptive specifications based on old practices may no longer be appropriate and hence there is a need to change over from prescriptive to performance specifications. The paper provides a few definitions of performance specifications and highlights their advantages. The basic elements of performance specifications such as pre-qualification, sampling, testing methods, development of acceptance criteria and the bonus-penalty system are briefly described. It is suggested that some pilot projects demonstrating the benefits of performance specifications may be taken up in India in the near future.