Title : Concrete Design for Low Carbon Buildings
Authors : Hayley Maxwell
Publication :
Volume :
Pages : 10-Jan
Price : 250
Abstract : The disposal of fly ash from thermal power stations is a recognized national problem and promotion of fly ash made concrete in construction can be solution to environmental degradation. The fly ash can be used in concrete as additive as part replacement of cement and/ or fine aggregate or as part of blended cement i.e. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) for sustainable construction10 & 11. Studies have been conducted by NCB on concrete made with fly ash as part replacement of cement as well as on use of PPC for making concrete of grade M40 and above. The study of engineering properties of concrete such as compressive strength, flexural strength, modulus of elasticity of concrete, abrasion, drying shrinkage, chloride ion permeability and carbonation required to meet the diverse requirements of strength and durability of concrete for plain reinforced concrete construction. The research on PPC is intended to expand the knowledge concerning the relative performance of a concrete mixes made with OPC and PPC with more than 25 % fly ash