Title : Design and production of sustainable structural concrete
Authors : Adil K. Al-Tamimi* & Nadeem Iqbal
Publication :
Volume : Sustainable concrete, ACI-211, high compressive strength, microsilica, workability
Pages : 11-Jan
Price : 250
Abstract : With the continuous growth in the construction industry and with the limited resources, it has become of paramount importance to design and produce sustainable structures. There are many types of green materials that have come into the forefront in the past related to various areas of construction. Microsilica material is one of them that is used in this research to produce high strength and durable concrete. Relatively new concrete mixture design procedures according to the modified ACI-211 has been attempted to design and produce sustainable structural concrete. Several quality control measures have been applied to measure the concrete high performance such as flow test, temperature, air content, compressive and tensile strengths, Schmidt hammer test, and ultrasonic test. The study showed concrete with high strength of 80 Mpa is produced using carefully selected materials and design procedures. It also showed high workability, low void content, high surface hardness and low internal cracks.