Title : How to make concrete more sustainable
Authors : Prof. Dr. Harald Justnes SINTEF Building and Infrastructure Trondheim, Norway
Publication :
Volume : Admixtures, carbon dioxide, supplementary cementing materials, sustainability.
Pages : 20-Jan
Price : 250
Abstract : Production of cement is ranking 3rd in causes of man-made carbon dioxide emissions world-wide. Thus, in order to make concrete more sustainable one may work along one or more of the following routes; 1. Replacing cement in concrete with larger amounts of supplementary cementing materials (SCMs) than usual 2. Replacing cement in concrete with combinations of SCMs leading to synergic reactions enhancing strength 3. Producing leaner concrete with less cement per cubic meter utilizing plasticizers. 4. Making concrete with local aggregate susceptible to alkali silica reaction (ASR) by using cement replacements, thus avoiding long transport of non-reactive aggregate. Replacing cement with SCMs will not only lead to less CO2 emissions, but also ease the pressure on natural resources like high-quality limestone, as well as enabling cement works to produce longer from the same limestone deposit securing investments and reduce the need of building new cement plants.