Title : Binary and Ternary Blended Cement is Ecofriendly and High Durability Product for Sustainable Development in Indian Cement Scenario
Authors : Dr. B.N. Mohapatra , Shri Shashi Gagar & Shri Chander Shekhar
Publication :
Volume :
Pages : 15-Jan
Price : 250
Abstract : Manufacture of ternary blended cement has gained momentum in European countries due to their special characteristic in durability, for reduction of CO2 emission, low energy consumption and optimal use of natural resources. These composite cements have multifunctional properties required for the high tech applications. Use of fly ash and blast furnace slag, two of the largest produced industrial byproducts / wastes in composite cements has found general acceptance because a single product covers a broad spectrum of applications. These cements have low heat of hydration, lower water demand, high resistance to chemical attack by chloride and sulphate, high resistance to alkali aggregate reactivity, better volume stability, improved pore size distribution, lower permeability and high durability. These cements use much less energy, reduce the greenhouse gas effect, remove millions of tones of polluting wastage from the face of earth and conserve natural resources.