Title : Concrete and Environment – a Korean Perspective
Authors : Prof. Dr. Dong-Uk CHOI
Publication :
Volume :
Pages : 8-Jan
Price : 250
Abstract : Korea Concrete Institute (KCI) recently published a book on “Concrete and Environment.” As a chief editor of the “Concrete and Environment,” the author summarizes key environmental aspects of Korean cement and concrete industries. The paper consists of three parts: (1) environmental issues in cement manufacturing, (2) environmental technologies for concrete, and (3) new cement- and concrete-related environmental national guidelines and standards. The first part consists of the following: description of Korean cement industry, effort to reduce CO2 emission and increase resource recycling in cement industry, and heavy metals in cement. The second part consists of the following: introduction of Korean concrete industry, utilization of coal-fired power plant by-products, utilization of steel slag, and utilization of C&D wastes. The last part addresses effort to introduce international standards to Korea as well as launch new Korean environmental standards and guidelines such as environmental labeling and declaration of aggregates.