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      ICI Journal Subscription Form
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      Indian Concrete Institute is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organisations involved in Concrete. Being a non-profit Organisation, it is dedicated to the cause of Disseminating Knowledge on Concrete, to Promote Concrete Technology and Construction and to address the Research Needs of Concrete.The Genesis of ICI dates back to the year 1982, when SERC Chennai and Anna University jointly conducted an International Seminar on Modern Concrete Construction Practices. The overwhelming response to the seminar prompted the Organisers to start the Indian Concrete Institute. Thus, the ICI was born in 1982 with around 500 members from 5 regional Centres. 

      Since then, there is no looking back and ICI has grown in leaps and bounds. Today ICI is a strong professional body having more than 14, 500 enrolled members, from 48 regional Centres in all major cities, spread across the entire length and breadth of the country. Of these, more than 393 are Organisational Members. All segments of cement and concrete industries are widely represented in the membership. To meet the objectives of ICI, the regional Centres conduct varieties of programs like Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Exhibitions, etc. throughout the year. These are at both National and International level. These events prove to be a unique platform, for all the stakeholders in the concrete industry, wherein Practicing Engineers, Manufacturers, Academics, Consultants and Researchers make their global participation, to discuss the issues, to share their views and experience on the concrete related matters.

      Books For Sale

      ICI has brought out the following technical documents, prepared by a panel of experts drawn from different disciplines, incorporating the latest practices, for the benefit of designers, consultants and practitioners. These books are to be in every library as reference document.

      ICI members are eligible for 20% discount for any book. As a special combo offer,

      we give a flat discount of 30% on purchase of all the above five books for all. Postage Extra.

      For your requirements, please contact us at 044-24792602, 24795148, Email: indconhq@gmail.com

      Waterproofing Directory

      Dear Construction Professional, Greetings from Indian Concrete Institute (ICI). ICI is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organisations involved in Concrete. ICI is dedicated to the cause of Disseminating Knowledge on Concrete, to Promote Concrete Technology and Construction and to address the Research Needs of Concrete. This directory will provide an exhaustive listing of who-is-who in the waterproofing industry and would include details of waterproofing applicators, material and machinery suppliers and other service providers catering to the waterproofing industry. Being first of its kind, the Handbook along with the Directory is expected to be widely referred by Govt. departments, PSUs, Municipal Bodies, Development authorities, Corporates, Consultants and practicing Engineers & Architects. Kindly send us the filled up questionnaire enclosed with this communication, to be featured in the directory. The advertisement sizes and the listing fees for prominent positions in the directory are also enclosed with this communication.Please contact us in case of queries, at iciwaterproofing@gmail.com or Cell: Ms.Usha Devi (9343833191)/ Mr. Manoj Kawalkar (9763711751)/ Mr. Supradip Das (9810386382).


      Secretary General
      Indian Concrete Institute

      Bank Details

      Bank Details 

      A/c Holder Name :  Indian Concrete Institute
      Bank Name :  ICICI Bank
      Branch Name :  Cenotaph Road Branch
      Account Number : 000101208599
      Account Type : SB Account
      IFSC Code :  ICIC0000001